Monday 6 October 2014

Many thanks to all who attended 'land water darkness'!

Many thanks to all who attended my exhibition 'land water darkness' over the last month. The last day of the show was this past Saturday 4 October, with a steady stream of visitors, the last being someone who had lived in Copenhagen and had a strong interest in the Greenlandic people. So we watched the slideshow of my Greenland photos from 2008 and had a very interesting discussion. As I did with all of the visitors, except the day when the room was full for most of the afternoon - not quite the Matisse all-nighter at Tate Modern (see my review of this event here but very busy indeed for the size of the gallery, and impossible for me to talk to everyone personally, though I would have liked to!

In a word, thank you all for coming, for your attention, for your time, your questions, your responses, your interest, your enthusiasm. It has made it all worthwhile.

As for this blog, in the days and weeks to come I will resume posting all the changes to the exhibition over its month-long run, with some responses to some of the feedback as well, and answers to some of the questions that were asked. I will also continue reviewing some of the exhibitions visited, in my 'Feeding the Eyes' series. So keep this page bookmarked, and be sure also that news of my forthcoming exhibitions and activities will also appear here.

Friday 3 October 2014

Last day of 'land water darkness' exhibition at the Gas Gallery - Saturday 4 October 2014

Tomorrow (Saturday 4 October) is my last day for this exhibition which has run since 4 September. I will be in the gallery upstairs from around 1pm until closing at 5pm, after which the exhibition must come down. There are more photos on display than ever, so if you haven't been for a while - today over 30 new photos went up, most of which are mixed media pieces with aint and/or ink. Everyone welcome, look forward to meeting you!

The Gas Gallery / Oriel Nwy is located about 50 metres left of the rail station, or parking is at Matalan and cross the road. Look for the red brick building with a huge glass front.